Start creating financial reports today!
Proper layout
Move financial statements and P&L reports to Power BI with ease through flexible layout and formatting.
- Move financial statements and P&L reports to Power BI with ease through flexible layout and formatting.
- Decimal on one row and a percentage on the next?—No problem!
- Separate sections of the statement through blank rows or columns to adapt to the needs of the end-users

Build the exact report envisioned
Need to build a report that looks exactly the way it does in Excel? Luckily, this is now possible.
- Get the exact look you want through 12 unique styles to personalize your report
- Customize over-and underlines, font colors and size, background colors, and lettering styles
- Format row- and column headers
- Highlight important values or rows

Rich on features
The native matrix lacks features to enable great financial statements.
- Use specific cells in calculations using absolute references
- Add column calculations where needed
- Perform calculations with ease through built-in formula language
- Calculate your Year-over-Year growth by selecting the relevant columns
- Organize ragged hierarchies with the click of a button
- Conditionally hide both columns and rows